What We Do


The main goals of the Zila Yuva Shakti Sangathan are to provide services for women and children in mortal danger:-

To provide shelter for destitute and orphan children (Children in need of care and protection) through the Children’s Home called RADHA KRISHAN BAL ASHRAM, Naranigarh (Ambala).

  •  Imparting computer education to under privileged children.
  • Providing vocational training & informal education to slum women.
  • Generating awareness amongst youth against social evils.
  • Caring/educating & grooming less privileged children.

   Provision of shelter for Destitute and Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation is one of the Association’s main activities.

  1. Cleanliness Campaign: – We gave awareness to 240 villages of District Ambala under “Swachh Bharat Sunder Bharat” and the villages started this mission.
  2. Beti Bachao Beti Padao:-  We Started a Campaign of  ‘Muje Bhi Do Jine Ka Adhikar” With salogan of Beti Bachao Beti Padao in 84 Villages with demonstration of  rally.  Youth in the villages got awareness on the social evils like female Feticide, Dowry, HIV, Drug addiction, Child Marriage, Vaccination etc. We aware women of villages about Gender Equality. To make women aware regarding her rights.
  3. Health and Family welfare:- People in the villages and women time to time got awareness on health and family planning. We provided facilitates to aged people in the villages by free eyes checking camp and 4550 got free eye checkup and also got free medicines.
  4. Environment Protection:- An awareness to protect the environment was spread with Campaign of Podha Lagao Jivan Bachao  and 5150 trees of Guava, Neem, Brota and Bakain etc. were planted  trees  village to  village.
  5. Vocational Training: – We provided 2865 women of rural Area free training of stitching, Beauty Parlor, weaving, toy making & Computer education & made them independent.
  6. Adult Education Programme:-  We gave full contribution for increasing literacy rate 332 children of lower class families  admitted  in the school. We taught 253 aged people how to read and write to increasing literacy rate. 
  7. Woman Empowerment: – We believe in “Women Empowerment” forms the bottom of our heart.  (Socially and economically)   Our focus has always been to make women aware regarding her rights & domestic violence. We devoted our whole life for women in empowerment and development in true of social service. In the field of social works, various initiatives have been taken for women especially including free training of Stitching, Beauty Parlor, weaving, toy making & Computer education & made them independent. We run such courses for the villagers and deprived women free of cost. Our dream is the hidden talent in women & tries to enhance their skills.
  8. Cultural Programme:- We celebrated  cultural  activities Time to Time. Through the play of Beti ko marvoge to bahu kaha se laoge we create awareness among 29 villages. 
  9. Sports Activity: – We organized Block level sports Competitions time to time. We encourage youth avoid intoxication and motivate to plying games likes volleyball, rasa-Kasi, Kabaddi. We organized tournaments on state and block level youth played on state and national level and they won the medals.
  10. Employment generation program:-    We gave jobs in Child Care institute  about 15 youth. As superintend, Counselor, House Father, House Keeper, Para-medical, Accountant com store keeper, cook, Sweeper, security Guard, etc.
  11. National day / International day Celebration: – We celebrate every year national and international days/anniversary like, Republic day,   Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nahru, Atal Bhiari Vajpayee, Swami Vivekananda, Shahidi Diwash, World Tobacco day, World Environment day, World aids day etc. 
  12. Program against social evil: – Our institution organizes different type of programs against present social evil in our society. Youth and women in the villages got awareness on the social evils like female feticide, dowry, aids, addiction, child marriage, vaccination etc. We awareness for women villages about Gender Equality. Youth influenced by our programs they forbid to take dowry and left drug addiction.
  13. Social Welfare program & work in rural areas:  We gave full contribution to below poverty line 255 women to get funds under the plan at the block level of “Kanyadan Yojna” from Govt. Haryana. We gave her full contribution to widow, physically handicapped and orphans to get pension and 33 girls get married by our organization and provided them all necessary items.  
  14. Organizing various activities:-  In 84 villages block Naraingarh ,We arranged digital literacy programmes for women like how to transfer money to bank, how to operate smart phones how to create e-mail id, send mails, how to use money transfer applications like Google pay, phone pay, Paytm and so on and it is very helpful to housewife to face to face today transactions like pay electricity bill, make payments of gas bill, recharges. So they can be able to do online payments. In today’s life women are too busy in following their day to day life schedules so they are ignoring their health so there is need to every women to stay fit and don’t ignore their health. So we undertaking campaign for Yoga for women. How Yoga is important to them for their body and mind. We teach basic Yoga to women. Our organization organize every year blood donation camp and youth neighborhood youth parliament program.
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